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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  April 5, 2013 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT

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goes so far. the giants raise their championship banner for the homeowners the only frustration for fans is where to park. >> complete bay area news coverage, starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. >> it's friday april 15th. i am heather holmes and this isy area nouz at 7. in the past area, we talk to the city counsel about two police shooting in the past 72 hours. the first involved in an unarmed teamed. this afternoon police say a police officer fired at a burglary holding a replica gun. eric is live right now of what he learns about the cases. >> reporter: the last two minutes we are able to get closer to the actual scene, they said an officer was investigating a burglary in process.
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one of the houses when she fired a single shot at the suspect hitting him in the shoulder. this afternoon police showed us the photo of the replica gun that the suspect was holding at the time the officer shot the suspect, police say there was no way the officer could tell it was not the real thing. the brother of the suspect confronted the police demanding to know where his brother was taken. his brother might have tried to break in the house here. tensions are especially high since police shot and injured an unarmed 16-year-old wednesday night who was mistaken of a robbery. burr reus says they'll likely sue the officer and the city. in the last hours, hanny told us she's among those and told us what happened. >> it has to be demoralizing within the department. if the officer had taken aggressive
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action that compromise their ability to continue to foster trusts with the community that they're here to serve. >> it's one of those major issues that we have in oakland where officers unnecessarily pull their guns out and create unnecessary danger. >> reporter: that 16-yea ray nor says he was following the officer and had his hands up when he was shot. police say had a knife. live in oakland,, rut ktvu news. it happened in san jose about 4: 30 this morning. investigators say three men in a blue four door honda approached the 34-year-old victim apparently was wearing red. the man in the car asked if
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he was belonged to a gang. he said no someone shot the victim. deputies called off their vetch for a man who led them on the chase across two counties in a stolen suv. today as they tailed him in the county and back in west -- and fled on foot escaping into a heavily wooded area. tonight for the first time we are hearing from the family of an off duty paramedic shot and killed in oakland. his father talked to us today by phone. >> they took my son from me and what their motive was -- devastating lost. >> roger described his son as one of the joys in his life.
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34-year-old kwin was at the stop side on tuesday when the man got out of the car and shot him. he died yesterday after donating his organs. there is a $10, 000 reward for information leading to the killer. new at 7 tonight surveillance cameras that kept an eye out for trouble. but, as david stevenson explains one city supervisor wants to take another look at the policy. >> reporter: san francisco police say it's an important tool when the night of a town turned into trouble. for years department -- installed surveillance cameras. >> if a crime does occurs, we can use it as evidence and identify the suspect. >> the practice is now under fired. >> it's under the radar policy that it's over broad. >> scot says cameras in clubs can
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be helpful. the 2011 -- of the young man seened here. police are going too far by requiring other businesses such as this boutique grocery store to install the cameras to get a liquor license. >> that hardly a dangerous bar even a small establishment where it's not a big nightclub, they -- it's good an idea to detour simple vandalism. >> and the ktvu there are people --ps don't necessarily want to be video taped going to ta bar. >> police say bar and restaurants are public places and they have
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scrutinizing -- in san francisco david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. homeowner for the san francisco giants. it was a good one all around as the giants beat the cardinals in a very close game. >> and ceremonies before the game, the giant raise their world serious of championship banner. the to this year theme of winning together. to throw out the first pitch, the giants chose the most valuable player from the national championship, mark koe tossed the ball and the fans there loved it.
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romo struck out allen craig and final score 1 to nothing. giants fans got in the spirit by wearing a lot of black and orange. >> i want to get romo attention. he's my favorite player. >> i wonder if she did -- honor for his nvpaward tomorrow and the giant players said to resooe their award serious ring on sun immaterial baseball returns for returns -- not if you need to park a car. >> this is a tail of two neighborho mission bay in off season and mission bay in the baseball season. then it's a place where everybody knows the giants players name. >> romo . >> the
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bar is a city of orange and black that ends and flows with the game schedules. >> at capacity most days at 40, 000 people. >> it's not all peanuts and cracker jacks, what's good for business can be frustrating for fans. at best once free parking has a two hour limits, not long enough for a game. >> did they up these meters for two hours so people can park for the game or not? no. >> the proposed site of the new warriors arena are not available for parking anymore. last month san francisco designated special event for parking zones that's code for more expensive. to a minimum of $5 an hour and $7 an
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hour closer at&tpark. >> i am used to not going to the pay lot. >> i think things are changing. it's the price fans p root for the home team. >> in san francisco ktvu channel 2 news. >> we posted the live show from the home opener under the image tab. the white house says the president obama has apologize to harris. after he created quite a stir yesterday when he complimented her look during the president's visit. >> after he came back from his trip and he called her to apologize for the distraction created my his comment. >> attorney general harris issued a statement saying quote,
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the attorney general have been friend for many years and they had a great consideration yesterday and she strongly supports him. you can go to to hear more of the response of the white house president, just find the comments section. it happened about 11: 30 this morning at the intersection of bush and stockton street. the manhole cover flew off hitting a vehicle. flames can be seen coming from the exposed hole injuries was reported. a major court ruling involving a widely use contraceptive. the rule can now be living under his own roof. clouds moving in the part of the bay area tonight.
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coming up we'll break down the weekend of shower chances and when the 80s resurface on this friday forecast.
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police reviewing surveillance footage from inside a taxi can hopes to find a carjacker who led them on a chase tonight. you are looking at the video of the chase. it started at san francisco state university. the can drive helping sick passenger fro can. wher thooef crashed the vehicle and took off running. two memorials dedicated to an officers who was killed to a
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line of d cleaning up the graffitis and damaging -- another officer was also targeted with spray paint. a surprise decision today by a federal judge will remove all restrictions for anyone seeking the morning after birth control pills. that ruling is facing heavy criticism from some conservative. >> for several years girls ed prescription from their doctors the morning after pills. >> who both want age restrictions on plan b. >> we do not have enough evidence that all those who could use the medicine of plan bcan understand the label and use it appropriately. >> the
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group president says teen girls need parents and not access to abortion inducing drugs. the age restriction is about politics and not health care. >> which is what we see happening over and over again. >> the religionous coalitio reproductive sif choice says the judges decision will improve health for teenagers. >> you cannot put politics and religion over science and public health. >> the judges decision meanss food and drug administration would put plan bon the shelf next month. in washi kayla campbell ktvu channel 2 news. >> i think 16 is too young especially because if they know they can get a hold of it it's a little frustrating just because i don't think they are old enough to make the decision. >> it's
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not tool for them to be able to protect themselves against unattended pregnancy. >> a young bay area can now get a shot of treatment for a rare form of cancer. 24 earlier saravia has tumor both inside his body. designed specifically for patients with his conditions. we reached ousaravia, --a representative tell us today that federal health will pay for lewis to under go a 2 day evaluation starting 8 8 thousand jobs were added in march, that's the smallest
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number in 9 months and half the average of the previous six months. the number dropped only because more people stop looking for jobs and they're no longer counted as job less. well, that job pictures sent stock markets into retreat today. that was after being down as much as 171 points earlier today, the naz das knack fail -- the judge denied the request to clarify the lawsuit as a class action seeking damages on behalf of tens of thousands. chevrons got to restart the rep finery in richmond. it was
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heavily damaged in the rich fire last year. the listing a flew of safety violations that occur before and during the accident. the u.s. chemical safety board pointed the regulation process. >> simply did not work to prevent what would ultimately a preventable accid to reduce risks at every opportunity. >> today meeting was led my senator loni in oakland both announced in february that would strengthen the penalties for safety violations. april 7th of the -- the agencies said they'll use the extra time to work on legal challenges of the closure, the
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delay will also give the airports more time to adjust to the changes. the closure are results of $630 million spending cuts under sequestration. dream liners was taken on another test live this morning. the federal aviation and administration still have to approve the fix before the airline can fly the 787 again. oakland school supervisor has announced his resignation. he says and his family plans too chicago to be closer to his father in law. those that knows smith says he will be hard to replace. >> the fact the matter is majorly talent. it's a huge blow to oakland.
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>> and his resignation letter says he will believe in oakland and create more opportunity for oakland children. smith says his last day will be on june 30th. where he will be under super vised home confinement. 50-year-old received a 3 years sentence back in 2010 for failing to filed tax returns. today miles stone for a project expanding bar deem into the south by the way. the weekend is now under the way, will rain make an appearance. meteorologist will let us know. get the an or go to for
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the latest.
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at&t. ♪
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a plan is in work t astronauts into the as stroid by 2021. that mission involves an erotic
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a -- bet ert understand how to deal wi stroids. . some fascinating weather headed our way. >> we are going to be some where in between. really cannot go wrong heather. this weekend we are having the clouds and a few light showers but no major storm. right now it's up to the north on the north coast. some of the activities will be approaching as we head into the weekend. right now you cannot see the clouds already on the increase. the fog is bumping up the shoreline and some higher clouds moving into the region as well. over night we'll have to possibility of drizzles. the numbers are are in the 50s and lower 60s. liver more in the upper 60s and currently 59 de.
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there is a chance of a light shower or sprinkles. the extended though, we clear out the clouds on a big warm up. over sant row sa 48 and san jose 51. we are going to have the clouds and the fog and a chance of a light showers and at least a few sprinkles. we have a low pressure out here gee moist flow. close you have to the bay area, the chance for the light shower by sunday afternoon, even a scale back on some of the clouds. here tomorrow morning at 10:00 and this front frizzles out of the bay area but e moistures to produce a few showers. and then another weekend pulls in first thing sunday morning and this one we scale back on some of clouds by sunday afternoon.
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for your saturday, there is a chance of the shower, temperatures in the low to mid #0rz. 050s. first, your giants forecast for tomorrow, partly and mostly cloudies trvps in the low to mid 60s. after the weekend, we clear out the clouds, a big warm up by tuesday and wednesday. >> all right , the transit agency is now one year into its project to extend the service into the south bay. to on an over crossing that will eventually carry train over the road and fraudulent. initially, bart plans to add two stations south to fraudulent. the first bay is to be completed
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in 2018. thank you for trusting ktvu channel news, we'll see you next time. late night option that students are getting, we are always here for you at >> the bay area news at 7 on tv 36 have been brought to you by cash creek. .
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